The Husband’s Rights Over His Wife

কোন মন্তব্য নেই
[The Husband's Rights
Over His Wife]
The man has the following
rights over his wife: he has
the right to be obeyed
except for concerning
something that Allaah has
prohibited. he has the
right to be treated in a
respectable, decent and
proper manner by his
wife. The wife should
sacrifice and give for him
and protect him form
annoyance and
disturbances. She should
please him in the manner
that a wife can do.
She should keep distress
and anger away from him.
She should prevent those
things that result in anger
and dislike. She should not
let the house become a
living hell, wherein the
husband only finds
hardship and distress and
does not find any
happiness whatsoever.
[The Wife's Rights Over
Her Husband]
On the other hand, the
wife also has some rights
over her husband. These
include: He must supply
her with her dowry and
her maintenance. He must
protect her and provide
for her in a way that is
best for her. He must
guard her from sources of
displeasure. He must treat
her well and not be
despotic or harsh. Indeed,
he must treat her in a
beautiful manner, with
patience, softness,
kindness and forgiveness.
He should overlook lapses
and not pursue her
mistakes. He should not, at
the first instance of a
difference of opinion or
problem, let his emotional
excitement allow himself
to destroy the close ties of
[Taken From "Marital
Discord (An-Nushooz)" by
Sh. Saalih Al-Sadlaan, Pp.

ব্লগ সম্পাদক ও এ্যাডমিনঃসৈয়দ রুবেল উদ্দিনব্লগের প্রকাশিত পোস্ট গুলি ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করে আমাদের চলার পথকে আরো গতিময় করে তুলুন ।আমরা দিন রাত খাটিয়ে পোস্ট গুলি লেখি ।ব্লগে প্রকাশ করে আপনাদেরকে উপহার দেয় ।আপনারা যদি শেয়ার না করেন?তাহলে আমরা তো সামনে এগিয়ে যেতে পারবোনা ।আমার ব্লগ বাড়ীতে বেড়াতে আসার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ ।সাথে থাকুন সব সময় ।আল্লাহ্ হাফেজ ।

কোন মন্তব্য নেই :